byk benda kena tgk & explore rupanya either via manual or cd. time model2 tu celik mmg ssh la nk telek2 sbb diorg pn sbk mengerumun nk belek2. slow2 la kan... takat ni br tau on/off & transfer images je wakakakaaa
Welcome to The Journey Of My LIfe. I'm a simple person blessed with wonderful life as wife & mother of 4 adorable kids, Alhamdulillah. Thanks for your visit & any comments/suggestions are most welcome. Be nice cause I'm harmless. Happy blogging ;)
waa...test toys baru ke?? hehhee
dpt dslr yer mcm afne ckp ritu tgh survey2....
apa model? boleh kongsi?
* ntah biler yg ilang boleh dpt pengganti...
wahhh camera slr baru yer ??
nnt nk tgk gamba raye lawo2 tau..mcm2 angle,hik3..
ps: semoga hana cpt2 baik tgn die tu..sedey aku dgr
wah..dah dpt camera idaman yerk
aty, tak sempat nk belek2 sgt
lia, canon 1100d je. ok la tu kan utk entry level (mcm la nk upgrade haha).
ko simpan duit mcm aku ni dikit2 dpt la beli pengganti nnti :)
diana, biasa2 je. mengidam punya psl haha
zet, aku tak reti lg la angle lawo2. lg la skrg mcm2 benda kena buat. extra attention kt hana lg. tq 4 ur concern.
iduraz, takde lah idaman tp syukur le dh dpt beli hehe
sudah dpt toys baru.....jom shoot same².....sile tembak photo anak² byk²......gud luck afne..
ja, segan lah org dh pro mcm ja ni. afne takat shoot gmbr anak sendiri pn utk suka2 je.
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